Input lunch format in April 2020: “Open- digitization as a yardstick”.

Since the outbreak of COVID 19, social life has been severely restricted, especially educational institutions face the challenge of suddenly and almost exclusively working online. To counteract social distancing somewhat and to keep the exchange alive, the Open Education and Software Association e.V. invites. (OESA) invites you to a digital input lunch format around digital education in times of COVID 19. Every Thursday in April 2020, from 12 to 1 p.m., a fifteen-minute input on a topic area will be given by us, and you will receive valuable advice on practical methods and programs, new impulses and contacts. On this common basis, an exchange with small discussions, questions and suggestions will take place afterwards.


02.4. Open Mind

The first day is there to get to know each other: The input serves to introduce the association and the format in more detail and the subsequent exchange should give space to place topics and questions that currently move the participants*innen.

09.4. Open Education

What does “digital education” mean, what does “open” mean? Why do we need it- and why not? How can this be implemented? What opportunities and difficulties does this present?

16.4. Open University

How can lectures and seminars be designed online? Which platforms and programs are suitable for this?

23.4. Open Schoolyard

How can class council be designed online? Which learning softwares with review functions are available? How can tests or similar be carried out?

30.4. Open Society – Let’s keep volunteering going!

Our last event is dedicated to the question of how volunteerism, community service and participation can continue and what opportunities can even arise as a result. How do we deal with the lack of Wi-Fi among children and young people in our care? What tools and tips are there for collaborative work? How can board meetings and general meetings be conducted online?

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