
With the amount of tools, it is easy to lose the overview. In this toolbox, you can search specifically with filters or simply browse. Is a tool not yet included? Then simply add a line with the information you have and we will find out the rest. If required, we can develop an individual training format for individual tools.

This is a first draft that was carried out as part of the Germany-wide online hackathon on May 6 and 7, 2020. In the near future, the toolbox will still be spruced up, supplemented with info and info boxes added to some filter designations. In addition, a rating system will be introduced.

Mentimeterlive pollfreemiumGerman, Englishweb, android, iOS, collaborative exports results, anonymous interaction, instant Feedback, connected to other platforms/servicesyes
Jitsi Meetvideo conferenceopen sourceEnglishweb, android, iOS, screen sharing, live-streaming, recording, chat, audio-only option, telephone dial-in, no moderator, private, connected to other platforms/servicesno
Skypevideo conferenceregistration with mail address and passwordGerman, Englishweb, android, iOS, screen sharing, recording, telephone dial-in, chat, live subtitles, private, connected to other platforms/servicesno
Slackproject managementfreemiumGerman, Englishweb, android, iOS, to-do list, calendar, communication, chat, organization, connected to other platforms/servicesyes,%20,
Zoomvideo conferencefreemiumGerman, Englishweb, android, iOS, screen sharing, recording, chat, telephone dial-in, moderator, interactive, calender, private, connected to other platforms/servicesno
etherpadcollaborative live editoropen sourceGerman, Englishweb, collaborative export results, chat, annotation
moodlecourse roomsregistration with mail address and passwordGerman, Englishweb, android, iOS, organization, calender, collaborative, communication, chat, forum, assignments, quiz, export results, connected to other platforms/servicesyes
CryptPadcollaborative live editorfreemiumGerman, Englishweb, collaborative export results, privateyes
Muralcollaborative live editor, project managementfor a feeEnglishweb, iOS, collaborative export results, organization, communication, video chat, forum, connected to other platforms/services
memuchoquizopen sourceGermanweb, interactive, personalized, instant feedbackyes
exammitestingregistration with mail address and passwordGermanweb, automatic evaluationyes
socrativequizfreemiumEnglishweb, android, iOS, automatic evaluation, moderator, instant feedback, connected to other platforms/services
ClaXssmanagement system for schoolsregistration with personal dataGermanweb, communication, organization
H5Pinteractive media creatorregistration with mail address and passwordEnglishweb, interactive video presentation, quiz, game, dictationyes
pingolive pollregistration with personal dataGerman, Englishweb, android, iOS, collaborative export results, anonymous interaction, instant feedback, connected to other platforms/servicesyes
tweedbacklive pollfreemiumGermanweb, communication, moderator, chat, anonymous interaction, instant feedback, quiz yes
mindmeistercollaborative live editorfreemiumGerman, Englishweb, android, iOS, collaborative export results, organization, presentation, project managementyes
Adobe Connectvideo conferencefor a feeGerman, Englishweb, android, iOS, screen sharing, recording, moderator, private, interactive, communication, connected to other platforms/services
Edudipvideo conferencefor a feeGerman, Englishweb, android, iOS, moderator, screen sharing, recording, interactive, communication, telephone dial-in, chat, calender, instant feedback, poll, connected to other platforms/servicesyes
Alfaviewvideo conferenceregistration with mail address and passwordGerman, Englishweb, iOS, communication, interactive, moderator, private yes
doodlepollfreemiumGerman, Englishweb, android, iOS, organization, calender
Trelloproject managementfreemiumGerman, Englishweb, android, iOS, organization, interactive, to-do list, calender, connected to other platforms/services
Google Docscollaborative live editorregistration with mail address and passwordGerman, Englishweb, android, iOS, collaborative export results, chat, connected to other platforms/servicesno
Google Presentationscollaborative live editorregistration with mail address and passwordGerman, Englishweb, android, iOS, collaborative export results, chat, connected to other platforms/servicesno
Google Calendarcalenderregistration with mail address and passwordGerman, Englishweb, android, iOS, organization, connected to other platforms/servicesno
Google Drivefile hostingregistration with mail address and passwordGerman, Englishweb, android, iOS, organization, file sharing, collaborative, connected to other platforms/servicesno
Zohoproject managementregistration with mail address and passwordGerman, Englishweb, android, iOS, collaborative export results, file sharing, calender, private, communication, business mail, chat, phone function, organization, transparent, connected to other platforms/servicesyes
Microsoft Teamsproject managementregistration with mail address and passwordGerman, Englishweb, android, iOS, chat, notes, file sharing, video call, live subtitles, recording, collaborative export results, communication, organization, screen sharing, private, connected to other platforms/servicesyes
evernotefile hostingfreemiumGerman, Englishweb, android, iOS, organization, to-do list, notes, file sharing, connected to other platforms/servicesyes
meistertaskproject managementfreemiumGerman, Englishweb, android, iOS, collaborative export results, to-do list, organization, connected to other platforms/servicesyes
piktochartvisualization applicationfreemiumEnglishweb, collaborative, presentation, templates, chat, private, visualizationno
ordnungsmentororganization guideopen sourceGermanweb, organization, project managementyes
factroproject managementfreemiumGerman, Englishweb, android, iOS, organization, to-do list, transparent, communication, calenderyes
basecampproject managementfor a feeEnglishweb, android, iOS, organization, communication, to-do list, schedule, file sharing, chat, connected to other platforms/servicesno
asanaproject managementfreemiumGerman, Englishweb, android, iOS, organization, communication, to-do liste, schedule, calender, templates, collaborative export results, file sharing, connected to other platforms/services
airtableproject managementfreemiumEnglishweb, android, iOS, organization, collaborative export results, calender, connected to other platforms/servicesno
nextcloudfile hostingopen sourceGerman, Englishweb, android, iOS, file sharing, collaborative, calender, communication, video chatyes
GitlabDevOps platformfreemiumEnglishweb, organization, toolchain managementyes
Google Suitetool kitfor a feeGerman, Englishweb, android, iOS, communication, collaborative, calender, video chat, file sharing, organizationno
lifesizevideo conferenceregistration with mail address and passwordGerman, Englishweb, android, iOS, live streaming, recording, sharing, schedule, moderator, private, contact list, phone dial in, connected to other platforms/servicesyes
wrikeproject managementfreemiumGerman, Englishweb, android, iOS, organization, communication, calender, collaborative export results, file sharing, templates, transparent, connected to other platforms/servicesyes
Kahootquizregistration with mail address and passwordEnglishweb, android, iOS, game, interactive, presentation, screen sharing, moderator, connected to other platforms/servicesno
tutoryeditorfreemiumGermanweb, OER, user-friendlyyes
padletcollaborative live editorregistration with mail address and passwordGerman, Englishweb, android, iOS, collaborative export results, template, sharing, connected to other platforms/services
kialo edudiscussion platformregistration with mail address and passwordEnglishweb, collaborative, communication, moderator, anonymous
vicoleLive-Unterricht, video conferencefor a feeGermanweb, file sharing, interactive, collaborative, video chat, moderator, chat, screen sharingyes
Statplanetvisualization applicationopen sourceEnglishweb, visualization, collaborative, tables, file sharingno
DFNTerminplanerpollregistration with mail addressGermanweb, organization, anonymousyes
Freemindvisualization applicationopen sourceEnglishweb, android, iOS, file sharing, collaborative, organization
FreeQuizDomepollopen sourceGerman, Englishweb, visualization, export results, inteactive, moderator, intant feedbackyes
ILIAS Livevotinglive pollopen sourceGermanweb, collaborative export results, instant feedback, moderator, communication, ,
kool, ,
BigBlueButtonvideo conferencefreemiumGermanweb, screen sharing, organization, communication, recording, chat, notes, moderator, connected to other platforms/servicesyes, ,
Indesign visualization applicationfor a feeGerman, Englishweb, file sharing, collaborative, ,
Gimpvisualization application, editoropen sourceGerman, Englishvisualization, ,
GitHubsoftware development freemiumEnglishorganization, collaborative, connected to other platforms/services, ,
GitBookfile hostingfreemiumEnglishorganization, collaborative export results, file sharing, notes,chat, connected to other platforms/services, ,
powtoonvisualization applicationfor a feeEnglishcommunication, visualization, templates, ,
Google Tabellencollaborative live editorregistration with mail address and passwordGerman, Englishweb, android, iOS, collaborative export results, chat, connected to other platforms/servicesno, ,
Google Formularecollaborative live editorregistration with mail address and passwordGerman, Englishweb, android, iOS, collaborative export results, poll, organization, connected to other platforms/servicesno, ,
Oncooeducational tool kitopen sourceGermanweb, android, iOS, visualization, communication, collaborative export results, presentation, pollyes
Google Suite for Educationtool kitregistration with personal dataGerman, Englishweb, android, iOS, communication, collaborative, calender, video chat, file sharing, organizationno
Stackfieldproject managementfor a feeGermanweb, android, iOS, communication, organization, chat, calender, schedule yes
Quizizzquiz, live pollregistration with mail address and passwordGerman, Englishweb, android, iOS, interactive, sharing, moderatoryes
Quizletquizregistration with personal dataGerman, Englishweb, android, iOS, game, collaborativeyes
Seesaw Learningremote learningregistration with mail address and passwordEnglishweb, android, iOS, monitoring, communication, recording, organization, connected to other platforms/servicesno
ClassDojoremote learningregistration with mail address and passwordGerman, Englishweb, android, iOS, organization, communication, interactive, sharing, monitoring, connected to other platforms/servicesno
Schoologyremote learningregistration with mail address and passwordEnglishweb, android, iOS, communication, collaborative, monitoring, instant feedback, connected to other platforms/servicesno
WeVideovisualization applicationregistration with mail address and passwordEnglishweb, android, iOS, visualization, sharing, collaborative, connected to other platforms/services
A.nnotatecollaborative live editorfreemiumEnglishweb, organization, collaborative, annotation, notes, connected to other platforms/services
Prezi Presentvisualization applicationfreemiumGerman, Englishweb, android, iOS, presentation, templates, sharing, connected to other platforms servicesyes
Dropboxfile hostingregistration with mail address and passwordGerman, Englishweb, android, iOS, organization, file sharing, interactive, collaborative, moderator, connected to other platforms/servicesyes
Dipityvisualization applicationfreemiumEnglishweb, visualization, presentation, sharing,, connected to other platforms/servicesno
CenturyTechremote learningfor a feeEnglishmonitoring, instant feedback, schedule
Edmodoremote learningfreemiumGerman, Englishcommunication, organization, game, quiz, collaborative export results, interactive, video chat, connected to other platforms/servicesno
EkStepremote learningregistration with mail adress and passwordEnglishweb, android, communication, organization, game, interactiveno
Google Classroomcourse roomsregistration with mail address and passwordEnglishweb, android, iOS, collaborative, organization, communication, quiz, file sharing, connected to other platformsno
Skoolereducational tool kitregistration with mail address and passwordEnglishweb, android, iOS, communication, schedule, sharing, connected to other platforms/services
Cell-Edremote learning via phoneEnglishweb, android, iOS, communication, instant feedback
Canvas Networkeducators platformopen sourceEnglishweb, sharing, video, presentation
EdXonline coursesfreemiumGerman, Englishweb, android, iOSno, ,
Open EdXonline coursesfreemiumEnglishweb, android, iOS, forum, video conference, streaming, file sharing, discussion, chat, collaborative, connected to other platforms/servicesno, ,
LabXchangeremote learningregistration with mail address and passwordEnglishweb, collaborative, sharing, no, ,
Dingtalkmulti communication toolregistration with mail address and passwordEnglishweb, android, iOS, communication, collaborative, video chat, organization, screen sharing, file sharing, recording, moderatorno, ,
Larkmulti communication toolfreemiumEnglishweb, android, iOS, collaborative, communication, video chat, file sharing, calender, organization, ,
Hangouts Meetvideo conferencefor a feeGerman, Englishweb, android, iOS, calender, telephone dial-in, connected to other platforms/servicesno, ,
Thinglinkinteractive media creator and editorfreemiumGerman, Englishweb, interactive, visualization, video presentation, notes, connected to other platforms/servicesno, ,
Bunceevisualization applicationfreemiumEnglishweb, android, iOS, sharing, presentation, interaktive, communication, monitoringno, ,
EdPuzzlevideo editorfreemiumEnglishweb, android, iOS, visualization, monitoring, sharing, connected to other platforms/servicesno, ,
Kalturavideo editoropen sourceGerman, Englishweb, video, collaborative export results, sharing, subtitles, interactive, quiz, recording, streaming, connected to other platforms/services, ,
Nearpodvideo editorfreemiumEnglishweb, android, iOS, interactive, collaborative, quiz, game, presentation, video, sharing, streaming, visualization, connected to other platforms/servicesyes, ,
Pear Deckremote learningfreemiumEnglishweb, presentation, quiz, poll, anonymous, discussion, interative, connected to other platforms, ,
Squiglvideo editorfor a feeEnglishweb, android, visualization, presentation, recording, ,
Lamapolllive poll, surveyfreemiumGermanweb, interactive, collaborative export results, anononymous, connected to other platforms/servicesyes, ,
Edraw Maxdiagramm softwarefor a feeGerman, Englishvisualization, sharingno, ,
Edraw Projectproject managementfor a feeGerman, Englishorganization, connected to other platforms/servicesno, ,
OrgChartvisualization applicationfor a feeGerman, Englishvisulization, presentation, sharing, collaborative export resultsno, ,
Edraw Infographicvisualization applicationfor a feeGerman, Englishvisualization, presentation, sharing, export results, connected to other platforms/servicesno, ,
Prezi Videovideo conferencefreemiumGerman, Englishweb, android, iOS, presentation, templates, sharing, connected to other platforms/servicesyes, ,
Prezi Designvisualization applicationfreemiumGerman, Englishweb, android, iOS, interactive, visualization, sharing, connected to other platforms/servicesyes, ,
Smart Learning Suitecourse roomsregistration with mail address and passwordGerman, Englishweb, file sharing, interactive, collaborative, game, monitoring, schedule, organization, screen sharing, calender, ,
ChartsBinvisualization applicationregistration with mail address and passwordEnglishweb, visualization, organizationno, ,
Venngagevisualization applicationfreemiumGerman, Englishweb, visualization, organization, templates, presentationno, ,
Panoptovideo content managementfreemiumGerman, Englishweb, recording, sharing, streaming, connected to other platforms/services, live videoyes, ,
classcraftremote learning, class managementfreemiumGerman, Englishweb, android, iOS, collaborative, interactive, game, connected to other platforms/servicesyes, ,
Nuudelpollopen sourceGerman, Englishweb, anonymous, private, organization, collaborative export resultsyes, ,
Biteablevideo editorfreemiumEnglishweb, visualization, templates, animation, sharingno, ,
Wideovideo editorfreemiumEnglishweb, visualization, animation, templatesno, ,
Animakervideo editorfreemiumGerman, Englishweb, visualization, templates, animationno, ,
Vyondvideo editorfor a feeEnglishvisualization, animation, templatesyes, ,
Animizvideo editorfreemiumEnglishvisualization, animation, templatesno, ,
Renderforestvisualization applicationfreemiumGerman, Englishvisualization, animation, templates, organization, ,
Toonlyvideo editorfor a feeEnglishvisualization, animation, templatesno, ,
Explaindiovideo editorfor a feeEnglishvisualization, animation, templatesno, ,
Rawshortsvideo editorfreemiumEnglishvisualization, animation, sharing, automaticallyyes, ,
Videoscribevideo editorfor a feeEnglishvisualization, animation, ,
MySimpeShowvideo editorfor a feeGerman, Englishvisualization, animation, automaticallyyes, ,
moovlyvideo editorfreemiumEnglishvisualization, animation, sharingno, ,
TynkercodingfreemiumEnglishweb, game, forumno, ,
Kamicollaborative live editorfreemiumEnglishweb, collaborative export results, interaktive, connected to other platforms/services, annotationyes, ,
Open Olatcourse roomsopen sourceGerman, Englishweb, communication, forum, chat, organization, contact list, calender, collaborative, connected to other platforms/services, file sharingyes, ,
Commsycourse roomsopen sourceGerman, Englishweb, schedule, communication, to-do list, contact list, file sharing, forum, chatyes, ,
Mondayproject managementfor a feeGerman, Englishweb, android, iOS, organization, calender, contact list, communication, connected to other platforms/servicesno, ,
Conceptboardcollaborative live editorfreemiumGerman, Englishweb, communication, collaborative, interactive, visualization, file sharingyes, ,
Aganttyproject managementregistration with mail address and passwordGerman, Englishweb, android, iOS, organization, communicationyes, ,
Mirovisualization application, collaborative live editorfreemiumEnglishweb, visualization, communication, collaborative, video chat, templates, screen sharing, connected to other platforms/servicesyes, ,
Notionproject managementfreemiumEnglishweb, android, iOS, organization, collaborative, notes, file sharing, visualization, connected to other platforms/servicesyes
CK-12course roomsregistration with personal dataEnglishweb, organization, communication, forum, file sharingno, ,
WiseMappingvisualization applicationopen sourceEnglishweb, visualization, ,
GoConqrremote learningfreemiumGerman, Englishvisualization, notes, quiz, calender, monitoring, libraryyes, ,
Comment Bubblereaction platformregistration with mail address and passwortEnglishweb, instant feedback, video, connected to other platforms services, ,
Book Creatorvisualization applicationfreemiumEnglishweb, iOS, interactiveyes, ,
GO-LABremote learningregistration with mail address and passwordGerman, Englishweb, interactive, game, quiz, instant feedbackyes, ,
Apache Open Officetool kitopen sourceGerman, Englishpresentation, visualization, annotation, ,
Das Zahlenreichmath toolopen sourceGerman, Englishweb, ,
poppletvisualization applicationfreemiumEnglishweb, iOS, organization, visualization, collaborative, sharingyes, ,
iSpring Free Camvideo conferencefreemiumEnglishweb, communication, screen sharing, recording, live subtitlesno, ,
Cogglevisualization applicationfreemiumGerman, Englishweb, notes, visualization, private, ,
PlayPositvideo content managementfor a feeEnglishweb, interactive, poll, presentation, organization, connected to other platforms/servicesyes , ,
Mathe Tools (mayer-ffm)math toolopen sourceGermanwebyes, ,
Jmolvisualization application, chemistryopen sourceGerman, Englishweb, visualization, interactive, ,
Schulraetsel.detestingopen sourceGermanweb, game, poll, visualization, search engineyes, ,
Suchsel.nettestingopen sourceGermanweb, poll, search engineyes, ,
LehrerLinks.neteducators platformopen sourceGermanweb, interactive, sharing, search engineyes, ,
Notenschluessel.neteducators platformopen sourceGermanweb, search engineyes, ,
Lehrer24.deeducators platformopen sourceGermanweb, search engineyes , ,
Molecular Workbenchremote learningopen sourceEnglishweb, interactive, ,
draw.iodiagram softwareopen sourceGerman, Englishweb, visualization, sharing, connected to other platforms/servicesyes, ,
Slide Wikivisualization applicationregistration with mail address and passwordGerman, Englishweb, search engine, collaborative, presentation, communication, sharingyes, ,
Grundschulstoff.deeducators platformopen sourceGermanwebyes, ,
LearningApps.orgremote learningregistration with mail addressGerman, Englishweb, interactive, game, presentation, ,
Wizerinteractive media creatorfreemiumEnglishweb, interactive, search engine, visualization, quiz, connected to other platforms/servicesyes, ,
Libre Officetool kitopen sourceGermanweb, android, iOS, organization, presentation, visualizationyes, ,
Calibre eBookfile hostingopen sourceEnglishandroid, iOS, library, ,
Canvavisualization applicationfreemiumGerman, Englishweb, android, iOS, collaborative, templates, visualization, presentationyes, ,
TimeToastvisualization applicationfreemiumEnglishweb, interactive, visualization, sharing, collaborative, yes, ,
Geogebramath toolregistration with mail address and passwordGerman, Englishweb, android, iOS, file sharing, connected to other platforms/servicesyes, ,
lime surveysurveyfreemiumGerman, Englishweb, templates, anonymous, collaborative export results, connected to other platforms/servicesyes, ,
educreationsremote learningfreemiumEnglishweb, iOS, video, monitoring, connected to other platforms/servicesno, ,
Tiki-Tokivisualization applicationfreemiumEnglishweb, collaborative, visualizationyes, ,
Bubblvisualization applicationfreemiumEnglishweb, collaborative, visualization, organization, notes, presentation, sharing, ,
Scribusvisualization applicationopen sourceEnglishweb, visualization, ,
realtimeboardcollaborative live editorfreemiumEnglishweb, communication, organization, visualization, collaborative export results, library, chat, templates, presentation, screen sharing, connected to other platforms/servicesyes, ,
chemixchemistryregistration with mail and passwordEnglishweb, visuaization, ,
GIMPeditoropen sourceGerman, Englishvisualization, connected to other platforms/services, ,
Molviewchemistryopen sourceEnglishweb, visualization, ,
SnagItvideo editorfor a feeGerman, Englishvisualization, annotation, templates, recordingyes, ,
word2cleanhtmlconverteropen sourceEnglishwebyes, ,
Audacityaudio editoropen sourceGerman, Englishrecording, ,
easel.lyvisualization applicationfreemiumEnglishweb, visualization, templates, presentationyes, ,
WebQC.orgchemistryopen sourceEnglishwebno, ,
Quizdidaktikeducators platform, tool kitopen sourceGermanweb, OER, quiz, game, connected to other platforms/servicesyes, ,
Blackboardvideo conference, class managementGerman, Englishcollaborative, communication, video chat, moderator, screnn sharing, recordingyes, ,
Classtagmulti communication toolregistration with mail address and passwordEnglishweb, android, iOS, communication, calender, file sharingyes, ,
InScribediscussion platformregistration with personal dataEnglishweb, communication, collaborativeno, ,
Remindmulti communication toolregistration with mail address and passwordEnglishcommunication, organization, connected to other platforms/servicesyes, ,
Apple Keynotevisualization applicationregistration with personal dataGerman, EnglishiOS, presentation, notes, templates, collaborative, connected to other platforms/servicesyes, ,
StoryboardThatvisualization applicationfreemiumGerman, Englishweb, communication, visualization, connected to other platforms/servicesyes, ,
ReviewGameZoneremote learningregistration with mai address and passwordEnglishweb, android, iOS, game, quizno, ,
Wooclaplive pollfreemiumGerman, Englishweb, android, iOS, quiz, poll, interactive, instant feedback, collaborative export results, connected to other platforms/servicesyes, ,
The Answer PadquizfreemiumEnglishweb, android, iOS, interactive, quiz, templates, libraryyes, ,
Flipgriddiscussion platformregistration with mail address and passwordEnglishweb, android, iOS, communication, video, recording, sharing, connected to other platforms/servicesyes, ,
FeedbackFruits(educational) tool kitregistration with personal dataEnglishorganization, communication, interactive, video, presentation, collaborative, instant feedback, connected to other platforms/servicesyes, ,
Video Askdiscussion platformfor a feeEnglishweb, android, iOS, communication, video, sharing, recording, connected to other platforms/services, ,
Loommulti communication toolfreemiumEnglishweb, iOS, video, recording, sharing, library, connected to other platforms/servicesyes, ,
Cisco Webexvideo conferencefreemiumGerman, Englishweb, android, iOS, communication, file sharing, collaborative, schedule, connected to other platforms/servicesyes, ,
TYPO3interactive media creator, content managementopen sourceEnglishweb, visualization, templates, calender, connected to other platforms/servicesyes, ,
Onlyofficefile hosting, collaborative live editoropen sourceGerman, Englishweb, android, iOS, organization, communication, sharing, annotation, calender, privateyes, ,
edu-sharingeducators platform, content managementopen sourceGerman, EnglishOER, library, search engine, templates, sharing, organization, to-do list, collaborative, connected to other platforms/servicesyes, ,
HISmanagement system for schools (universities)open sourceGermanweb, organization, communication, search engineyes, ,
Schild-NRWmanagement system for schoolsGermanorganization, privateyes, ,
Timeline JSvisualization applicationopen sourceEnglishweb, visualization, sharing, connected to other platforms/services, ,
impress.jsvisualization applicationopen sourceEnglishweb, presentation, visualization, ,
Alfrescocontent managementopen sourceGerman, Englishweb, organization, search engine, private, collaborativeyes, ,
WebUnitsmanagement system for schools for a feeGermanweb, android, iOS, organization, communication, schedule, video chat, collaborativeyes, ,
twakeproject managementopen source, freemiumEnglishweb, android, iOS, organization, collaborative, calender, file sharing, to-do list, chat, video chat, search engine, connected to other platforms/servicesyes, ,
mongo DBdata base, ,
Liferaytool kitopen sourceGermanmonitoring, visualization, calender, templates, search engine, library, connected to other platforms/servicesyes, ,
Shibbolethaccess managementopen sourceGermanweb, privat, connected to other platforms/servicesyes, ,
ZUM Unterrichten ( plattformopen sourceGermanweb, collaborative, templates, presentation, video, search engine, quizyes, ,
ZUM Appstool kitopen sourceGermanweb, interactive, video, presentation, sharingyes, ,
Zenchat multi communication toolfreemiumGerman, Englishweb, android, iOS, communication, organization, video chat, private, calender, to-do listyes
Ankivisualization applicationopen sourceEnglishweb, android, iOS, visualization, ,
Khan Academyonline coursesregistration with mail address and passwordGerman, Englishweb, android, iOS, yes, ,
Stack Overflowcodingfor a feeEnglishweb, communication, forum yes, ,
SpeedCrunchmath toolopen sourceEnglishweb, ,
Grammarlylanguage checkerfreemiumEnglishweb, android, iOS, annotation, connected to other platforms/servicesyes, ,
SCI-HUBliterature managementopen accessEnglishweb, libraryno, potentially dangerous, ,
Courseracourse roomsfor a feeGerman, Englishweb, android, iOS,, ,
Udemyonline coursesfor a feeGerman, Englishweb, video, search engine, no, ,
Mendeley Reference Managerliteratur managementopen accessEnglishweb, android, iOS, citation, notes, library, connected to other platforms/servicesyes, ,
SoloLearncodingregistration with mail address and passwordEnglishweb, android, iOS, game, forum, ,
BookStackliterature managementopen sourceEnglishweb, organization, library, annotation, citation, ,
LinkedIn Learningonline coursesfor a feeGerman, Englishweb, android, iOS, libraryyes, ,
Qiqqaliterature managementopen sourceEnglishweb, annotation, search engine, citation, privateno, ,
Udacityonline coursesfor a feeEnglishwebyes, ,
Pluralsightonline coursesfor a feeGerman, Englishweb, library, quizno, ,
SageMathmath toolopen sourceGerman, Englishweb, library, visualization, ,
JabRefliterature managementopen sourceGerman, Englishweb, organization, library, citation, connected to other platforms/servicesyes , ,
Class Centralonline coursesfreemiumEnglishweb, search engine, connected to other platforms/servicesyes, ,
FutureLearnonline courcesregistration with mail address and passwordEnglishweb, interactive, search engine, connected to other platforms/services, ,
PSPPdata analysisopen accessGerman, English, ,
SkillShareremote learningfreemiumEnglishweb, android, iOS, collaborative, video, visualizationyes, ,
Desmosmath toolregistration with mail address and passwordGerman, Englishweb, android, iOS, visualization, collaborative, interactive, quiz, ,
Edabitcodingregistration with mail address and passwordGerman, Englishweb, interactiveyes, ,
Dataquestcodingregistration with personal dataEnglishweb, interactive, forum, communicationyes, ,
University of the Peopleonline coursesfor a feeEnglishwebno, ,
Grasshoppercodingregistration with mail address and passwordEnglishweb, android, iOSyes, ,
ResearchGatesocial networkregistration with personal dataEnglishweb, collaborative, citation, communicationyes, ,
Brilliant.orgmath tool, online coursesfor a feeEnglishweb, interactive, visualizationno, ,
Degreedonline coursesregistration with mail address and passwordGerman, Englishweb, android, iOS, visualization, organization, communication, sharingyes, ,
fxSolvermath toolregistration with mail address and passwordEnglishweb, search engine, quizno, ,
Learnamicremote learningfreemiumEnglishweb, android, iOS, search engineno, ,
MarginNoteliterature managementopen accessEnglishweb, iOS, annotation, citation, library, notes, visualization, connected to other platforms/services, ,
Programming Hubcoding, online coursesregistration with mail address and passwordEnglishweb, android, iOS, interactiveyes, ,
Open Yale Coursesonline courses, open course wareopen accessEnglishwebyes, ,
Harvard Open Coursesonline coursesopen accessEnglishweb, search engineyes, ,
SDLcontent managementfor a feeGerman, Englishcollaborative, communication, organizationyes, ,
The Great Coursesonline coursesfor a feeEnglishweb, search engine, library, chatno, ,
Paperpileliterature managementfor a feeEnglishweb, android, iOS, organization, citation, library, annotation,sharing, search engine, connected to other platforms/servicesyes, ,
EndNoteliterature managementfor a feeGermanorganization, citation, search enginge, sharingyes, ,
BibTeXliterature managementGerman, Englishcitation, connected to other platforms/services, ,
citaviliterature managementfreemiumGermancitation, sharing, library, organizationyes, ,
zoteroliterature managementopen sourceEnglishorganization, citation, collaborative, library, connected to other platforms/services, ,
Soulvermath toolopen accessEnglishiOS, sharingno, ,
Weavaliterature managementfreemiumEnglishorganization, annotation, search engine, collaborative, citation, libraryno, ,
Photomathmath toolopen accessGerman, Englishandroid, iOS, interactiveyes, ,
Classtimeremote learning, class managementfreemiumGerman, Englishcollaborative, game, quiz, chat, interactiveyes, ,
Worldcatliterature managementregistration with mail address and passwordGerman, Englishweb, library, search enginge, citationyes, ,
iversityonline coursesfreemiumGerman, Englishwebyes, ,
Slick Writelanguage checkeropen accessEnglishwebno, ,
Slidolive pollfreemiumGerman, Englishweb, quiz, poll, instant feedback, presentation, moderator, sharing, connected to other platforms/servicesyes, ,
Microsoft Academic Searchliterature managementregistration with personal dataEnglishweb, search engine, citation, connected to other platforms/services, ,
Google Scholarliterature managementopen accessGerman, Englishweb, search enginge, citation, connected to other platforms/services, ,
Brainscapevisualization applicationfreemiumEnglishweb, android, iOS, collaborative, sharing, visualization, ,
Power Thesaurusthesaurus, language checkeropen accessEnglishweb, android, iOS, search engingeyes, ,
MyBibliterature managementregistration with mail addess and passwordEnglishweb, citation, connected to other platforms/servicesyes, ,
Paraviewvisualization application, data analysisopen sourceEnglishweb, visualizationyes, ,
AhaSlidesvisualization applicationfreemiumGerman, Englishweb, visualization, presentation, interactive, poll, collaborative export results, sharingyes, ,
Avogadro.ccchemistry, visualization applicationopen sourceEnglishweb, visualization, ,
NovoEdremote learningfor a feeEnglishweb, collaborative, connected to other platforms/servicesno, ,
Neat Videovideo editorfor a feeEnglishinstant feedbackno, ,
Lynda / LinkedIn Learningonline coursesfor a feeEnglishweb, android, iOS, libraryyes, ,
Desire2Learncourse roomsGerman, Englishweb, collaborative, interactive, game, presentation, recording, quiz, discussion, communication, sharingyes, ,
Publish or Perishliterature managementopen accessEnglishcitation, organization, ,
Marvin by ChemAxonchemistryregistration with personal dataEnglishvisualization, sharingyes, ,
SCI-HUBliterature managementopen accessEnglishlibrary, search engineno, potentially dangerous, ,
Z-Libraryliterature managementopen accessEnglishlibrary, search engingeno, potentially dangerous, ,
Academic Earthonline coursesopen accessEnglishwebyes<\/a><\/p> - Free Online Courses From Top Colleges<\/a><\/p>","image_thumb":"","image_full":""}> - Free Online Courses From Top Colleges

, ,
eloomimanagement system for schools (LMS)for a feeGerman, Englishorganization, calender, quiz, ,
logineomanagement system for schools (LMS)free in NRWGermanorganization, communication, collaborative, calender, library, connected to other platforms/servicesyes, ,
ILIASmanagement system for schools (LMS)open sourceGerman, Englishorganization, communication, calender, monitoringyes, ,
stud.IPmanagement system for schools (LMS)open sourceGermanorganization, communicationyes, ,
imc Learning Suitmanagement system for schools (LMS)for a feeGerman, Englishweb, android, iOS, organization, communication, forum, chat, library, monitoring, connected to other platforms/servicesyes, ,
MOOC Listonline coursesregistration with mail address and passwordEnglishweb, search engineno, ,
EasyBibliterature managementfreemiumEnglishweb, citation, annotationno, ,
Teachableonline coursesfor a feeEnglishweb, calender, chatno, ,
Topgrade Quiz Makerquizregistration with mail address and passwordGerman, Englishweb, android, iOS, organization, schedule, interactiveyes, ,
Pocket Scholarchemistryregistration with mail address and passwordEnglishwebno, ,
Socraticquizregistration with mail address and passwordEnglishandroid, iOS, , ,
KataCodaonline coursesfreemiumEnglishweb, interactiveno, ,
BibDesk for Macliterature managementopen sourceEnglishcitation, search engine, ,
Converbermath toolopen accessGerman, English, ,
ProgatecodingfreemiumEnglishweb, android, iOSyes, ,
SciDaVisdata analysisopen sourceEnglishvisualizationyes, ,
Alicevisualization applicationopen accessEnglishtemplates, ,
GLFWliterature managementopen sourceEnglishlibrary, ,
My Study Lifecalenderregistration with mail address and passwordEnglishweb, android, iOS, organization, schedule, to-do listyes, ,
Microsoft Math Solvermath toolopen accessGerman, Englishweb, android, iOS, templatesyes, ,
Fedenamanagement system for schoolsfor a feeEnglishweb, android, iOS, organization, communication, calender, connected to other platforms/servicesno, ,
Open Learning Initiativeeducators platform, online coursesregistration with personal dataEnglishwebno, ,
GraphPad Prismdata analysisfor a feeEnglishvisualization, sharingyes, ,
iSpring Learn LMSmanagement system for schoolsfor a feeGerman, Englishweb, android, iOS, organization, communication, calender, video presentation, chatyes, ,
Grok Learningcodingfor a feeEnglishweb, interactive, libraryyes, ,
Polylangmultilingual pluginfreemiumEnglishconnected to other platforms/servicesyes, ,
Weglotmultilingual pluginfor a feeEnglishconnected to other platforms/servicesyes, ,
Optimozorlanguage checkeropen accessGerman, Englishweb, ,
Unit Converter Ultimateconverteropen sourceEnglishandroid, ,
Mathwaymath toolregistration with mail address and passwordGerman, Englishweb, android, iOSno, ,
Studylibvisualization applicationregistration with mail address and passwordGerman, Englishweb, visualization, library, organization, file sharingyes, ,
Read AloudfreemiumEnglishweb, ,
Poll Everywherereaction plattform, live pollfreemiumEnglishweb, android, iOS, poll, quiz, communication, organization, interactive, visualization, presentation, connected to other platforms/servicesyes, ,
MasterClassonline coursesfor a feeEnglishweb, android, iOSno, ,
SemanticScholarliterature managementopen accessEnglishweb, search enginge, library, citationyes, ,
Course Builder by memorayremote learningfor a feeGermanweb, collaborative, library, connected to other platforms/servicesyes, ,
VirtuSeekonline coursesregistration with mail address and passwordEnglishweb, interactiveno, ,
QueryHomediscussion platformregistration with mail address and passwordEnglishweb, interactive, communication, quizno, ,
My Mooconline coursesregistration with mail address and passwordEnglishweb, search engingeyes, ,
PortAudioaudio editoropen sourceEnglishweb, library, forum, recording, ,
Gynzyremote learning, visualization applicationfor a feeEnglishweb, visualization, library, game, interactive, test, presentation, no, ,
Bookshelf - Your virtual libraryliterature managementopen accessEnglishandroid, iOS, organization, libraryyes, ,
GoSkillsonline coursesfreemiumEnglishweb, search engine, libraryyes, ,
Piazzadiscussion platformregistration with mail address and passwordEnglishweb, communication, anonymous, forum, polls, quiz, ,
Manuscripts.iocollaborative live editoropen sourceEnglishweb, collaborative, organization, templates, annotation, citation, connected to other platforms/services, ,
Flashcard Heroremote learningopen accessGerman, EnglishiOS, visualization, quiz, yes, ,
asktopiadiscussion platformopen accessEnglishweb, interactive, search engine, ,
Quoradiscussion platformregistration with mail address and passwordGerman, Englishweb, android, iOS, interactive, search engineno, ,
Taskcardscollaborative live editoropen accessGerman, Englishweb, collaboraative, template, sharing, visualization, connected to other platforms/servicesyes, ,
sichere-videokonferenz.devideo conferenceopen accessGerman, Englishweb, android, iOS, private, screen sharing, chat, communicationyes, ,
CORRECTIVEfact checkingopen accessGermanweb, anonymousyes, ,
TROM Newsfact checkingopen accessEnglishweb, search engineno, ,
Iris AIliterature management, data, science assistentfreemiumEnglishwebyes, ,
DeepDyveliterature managementfreemiumEnglishweb, library, annotation, organization, collaborative, search engine, connected to other platforms/servicesyes, ,
Calcamath toolopen accessEnglishweb, iOS, forumno, ,
OpenSesameonline coursesregistration with mail address and passwordGerman, Englishweb, search engine, connected to other platforms/servicesno, ,
Statistadata analysisfreemiumGermanweb, search engineyes, ,
prodigymath toolfreemiumEnglishweb, game, quizno, ,
Select Star SQLcodingopen accessEnglishweb, interactive, ,
Academy LMSonline coursesfor a feeEnglishweb, android, iOS, communication, quiz, file sharing, schedule, ,
Curiosity.aifile hosting, access managementfree downloadEnglishorganization, connected to other platforms/servicesyes, ,
Cambridge University Pressliterature managementopen accessEnglishweb, library, search engineyes
Course Heroonline coursesregistration with mail address and passwordEnglishweb, android, iOS, library, search engine, yes, ,
ScienceDirectliterature managementregistration with mail address and passwordGerman, Englishweb, library, search engine, yes
SimpleVocabdictionaryopen accessEnglishweb, file sharing, ,
Thinkfulcoding, online courses, data analysisregistration with mail address and passwordEnglishweb, search engine, ,
Scopusliterature managementregistration with mail address and password Englishweb, library, citation, search engine, ,
BibGuruliterature managementopen accessGerman, Englishweb, citation, libraryyes, ,
Peer.Schoolcourse roomsopen sourceGermanweb, organization, communication, video chat, vizualisation, yes
Zooniverseonline coursesregistration with mail address and passwordEnglishweb, android, iOS, forum, yes, ,
Studyblueremote learningregistration with mail address and passwordEnglishweb, android, iOS, visualization, ,
LibraryBoxfile hostingopen sourceEnglishfile sharing, library
Eduflowcourse rooms, online coursesfreemiumEnglishinteractive, templates, video recording, connected to other platforms/servicesyes, ,
QueryHomediscussion platformregistration with mail address and passwordEnglishweb, communicationno, ,
Auratikumliterature managementfreemiumGerman, Englishweb, organization, annotation, citationyes
Evergreen ILSliterature managementopen sourceEnglishweb, library, file sharing, organization, ,
EducationCityremote learningfor a feeEnglishweb, gameyes
Virtuallyclass managementfor a feeEnglishcommunication, organization, calender, video chat, library, connected to other platforms/servicesyes, ,
Pubblemulti communication toolfreemiumEnglishandroid, iOS, communication, polls, connected to other platforms/servicesyes
Kadenzeonline coursesregistration with mail address and passwordEnglishweb, collaborative, interactive, schedule, forum
InfraNodusdata analysisopen sourceGerman, Englishweb, visualization, sharing, privateyes
Cite This For Meconverteropen accessGerman, Englishweb, citation, connected to other platforms/servicesyes, ,
StudySmarterremote learningregistration with mail address and passwordGerman, Englishweb, android, iOS, organization, visualization, libraryyes, ,
SmartCards+remote learningopen accessEnglishweb, iOS, organization, visualization, quiz
Math Tricksmath toolopen accessGerman, Englishandroid, iOS, , ,
Tao TestingTestingopen sourceGerman, Englishweb, visualizationyes, ,
Toontastic 3Dvisualization applicationopen accessEnglishandroid, visualization, ,
zyBooksremote learningregistration with mail address and passwordEnglishweb, interactive, quiz, codingyes
Amaravideo editorregistration with mail address and passwordGerman, Englishlive subtitles, sharing, connected to other platforms/servicesyes, ,
Gibboncourse roomsopen sourceEnglishorganization, communication, schedule, library, file sharing, chat
mathigoncourse rooms, online coursesregistration with mail address and passwordGerman, Englishweb, interactive, library, visualization, connected to other platforms/servicesno
Saylor Academyonline coursesopen, registration with mail address and passwordEnglishweb, library, search engine, sharing, connected to other platforms/servicesyes
Invenio RDMdata baseopen sourceEnglishweb, code, forum, chat, ,
Invenio ILSliterature managementopen sourceEnglishweb, library, collaborative, communication, chat
TallySpacelive pollfor a feeEnglishannonymousno
Omekaweb publishingopen sourceEnglishweb, sharing, ,
mempalonline coursesopen accessEnglishwebyes, ,
Bridgemanagement system for schools (LMS)for a feeEnglishweb, android, iOS, libraryyes, ,
Pigeonhole Livelive pollfreemiumEnglishinteractive, chat, quiz, polls, calender, instand feedback, sharing, connected to other platforms/servicesyes, ,
Remind Chatmessengerregistration with mail address and passwordEnglishcommunication, chat, scheduleyes, ,
Eureklyonline coursesfreemiumEnglishcommunicationyes
QuizalizequizfreemiumEnglishweb, interactiveyes

Quizalize - Easily differentiate and track mastery anywhere, any time

TinyCatliterature managementfreemiumEnglishweb, android, iOS, library, organization
Nearpodclass managementfreemiumEnglishweb, android, iOS, interactive, game, visualization, polls, library, connected to other platforms/servicesyes
Peardeckremote learningfreemiumEnglishweb, interactive, instant feedback, connected to other platforms/services
SpeakUp.infopollsopen sourceEnglishweb, android, iOS, interactive, polls, anonymous, moderator, connected to other platforms/servicesyes, ,
Peetchvisualization applicationopen accessEnglishvisualization, templates, connected to other platforms/services
Best Attendancemembership managementregistration with mail address and passwordEnglishorganization, communication, schedulesno, ,
Pruluclass managementregistration with mail address and passwordEnglishorganization, communication, quiz, polls, game, connected to ther platforms/servicesno, ,
GooruLearning Data Backboneopen sourceEnglishyes
Verso Learningmulit communication toolregistration with mail address and passwordEnglishweb, communication, chat, instant feedback, sharingno
Vidyalayamanagement system for schoolsfor a feeEnglishandroid, iOS, organization, communication, chat, connected to other platforms/servicesno
Quick Schoolsmanagement system for schoolsfor a feeEnglishweb, android, iOS, organization, schedule, communication
School Foxmanagement system for schoolsfor a feeGerman, Englishweb, android, iOS, communication, messenger, organization, video chat, cloud, schedule, privateyes
Clofusmanagement system for schoolsfreemiumEnglishweb, android, iOS, organization, communication, calenderno
BrainCertmanagement system for schools (LMS)for a feeEnglishorganization, communication, video chat, recording, collaborative, connected to other platforms/servicesyes
stepFORMquiz builderfreemiumEnglishvisualization, templatesyes, ,
Nogglecontent management, file hostingfree downloadEnglishorganization, seach engine, yes
ProfExam Suittesting, quiz builderfor a feeEnglishtemplate, instant feedback, file export, no
Easygeneratorcourse roomsfor a feeGerman, Englishcollaborative, live, templates, connected to other platforms/servicesno
BookWidgetsinteractive media creatorfor a feeGerman, Englishtemplates, quiz, game, monitoring, connected to other platforms/services
aiimonline coursesfor a feeEnglishorganization, library, ,
Perlegoliterature managementfor a feeEnglishweb, android, iOS, library, search engine, citation, notesyes
Citationsyliterature managementfor a feeEnglishweb, android, iOS, citationyes
OpenTeacherquiz, testingopen sourceGerman, Englishgame, poll, ,
Eureka Mathmath toolregistration with personal dataEnglishcommunication, video, no, ,
Dedoosedata analysisfor a feeEnglishweb, android, iOS, chat, collaborative export results, private, connected to other platforms/servicesyes
eureQainteractive media creator, DevOps Platformfor a feeEnglishweb, android, iOS, testing, monitoringno
VuFindliterature managementopen sourceEnglishsearch engine, connected to other platforms/services
F1000publishing platformopen sourceEnglish
LabWormdata analysisopen accessEnglishweb, search enginepotentially dangerous, ,
satchel:onecourse roomsfor a feeEnglishorganization, communication, game, test, schedule, calender, quiz, connected to other platforms/servicesyes
Schulmanager-onlinemanagement system for schoolsfor a feeGermanorganization, communication, chat, schedule, file sharing, calender, video chat, privateyes
Prolific Academicresearch, data analysisregistration with personal dataEnglishconnected to other platforms/services, collaborative export resultsyes
Survey Monkeysurveyfor a feeGerman, Englishweb, templates, collaborative export results, quiz, connected to other platforms/servicesyes
QualtricssurveyfreemiumGerman, Englishweb, templates, collaborative export results, quiz, connected to other platforms/servicesyes
Gorillaresearch, surveyfor a feeEnglishweb, templates, collaborative export results, connected to other platforms/services, privateyes
Typeformsurveyfor a feeEnglishweb, templates, collaborative export results, connected to other platforms/servicesyes
Apache OpenOffice Mathmath toolopen sourceEnglishwebyes, ,
BibMeliterature managementfreemiumEnglishcitation, notes
OutWit Hubdata extractionregistration with mail address and passwordEnglishmonitoring, ,
ERPNext Schoolsmanagement system for schools, LMSopen sourceEnglishorganization, cloud, file sharingyes, ,
Synapcourse rooms, quizfor a feeEnglishquiz, monitoring, connected to other platforms/servicesyes, ,
PLoSliterature managementopen accessEnglishlibrary, publishingyes
BiblioteQliterature managementopen sourceEnglishlibrary, ,
PlagiarismCheck.orgliterature managementfor a feeEnglishconnected to other platforms/servicesyes, ,
Bibliography.comliterature managementopen accessEnglishcitation, collaborative export results, organizationyes, ,
Gradelinkmanagement system for schoolsfor a feeEnglishorganization, visualizationyes
SimulationXvisualization application, physicsfor a feeEnglishvisualization, library, web no, ,
Think ExamtestingfreemiumEnglishandroid, iOS, interactive, web, templates, privateyes
Cite This!literature management open accessEnglishcitation, grammar checker, annotation, library
SigmaPlotdata analysisfor a feeGermanvisualizationyes
Cite This For Meliterature managementfreemiumEnglishcitation, grammar checker, annotation, libraryno
Classpert online coursesopen accessEnglishsearch engineyes, ,
SHAZAM (econometrics)data analysisfor a feeEnglishweb, visualization
OpenStudydiscussion platformregistration with mail address and passwordEnglishweb, community, interactive, collaborative, communication
SignalMessengerfree, via phone number German, Englishchats, group chats, video calls, calls, desktop app, self deleting messagesyes, ,
MovimMessengerfreeEnglishchats, group chats, calls, video calls, save message drafts, screen sharing, hashtag search, article publishingyes , ,
SessionMessengerfree, via username Englishchtas, group chats, yes, ,
ElementMessengerfree, via usernameEnglishchats, group chats, public channels, calls, video callsyes, ,
ThreemaMessengerfree, via usernameEnglishchats, group chats, calls, video calls, pollsyes, ,
MozillaHubsinteractive media creatoropen sourceGerman, Englishcollaborative, sharing, visualizationyes
wonder.meproject managementfor a feeEnglishcollaborative, organization, communication, video chat, notesyes
ChamiloLMSopen sourceEnglishorganization, communication, schedule, calender, forum
DokeosLMSopen sourceEnglishorganization, communication, collaborative, chat, forum, testing, polls, video chat, notesyes
genially visualization applictionregistration with email and passwordGerman, Englishweb, presentation, visualization, video, interactive, gamification, templatesyes
Wekanproject managementopen sourceEnglishvisualization, organization, communication
PictoSearchpictogramopen accessGerman, Englishweb, libraryyes
mindwendeldiscussion platformopen accessGermanweb, interactive, collaborativeyes
Excalidrawvisualization applicationopen accessGermanweb, visualization, collaborative export results, notesyes
Wortwolken-Generatorvisualization applicationopen accessGermanweb, visualization, export resultsyes
TeamMappervisualization applicationopen accessGerman, Englishweb, visualization, collaborativeyes
DeepltranslatorfreemiumGerman, Englishweb, android, iOS, privateyes
OERcommons.orgoer libraryopen accessEnglishweb, collaborative, library
Lerntools.orgtoolkitopen sourceGermanweb, OERyes
ZeitPinSelf Trackingopen sourceGermanweb, organizationyes
Cleanup.picturesvisualization application, editorfreemiumEnglishweb, android, iOS, visualization
ConvOERterconverter, educaters platformopen sourceGerman, Englishyes
Flingacollaborative live editoropen sourceEnglishcollaborative, visualization, mind-maps, white board, yes
CodiMDcollaborative live editoropen sourceGerman, Englishcollaborative export results, presentation, sharing, private, to-do list, annotation, coding, yes
Explorable Explanationsinteractive media creatoropen sourceEnglishgame, interactive, visualization
Twinecollaborative live editor, visualization applicationopen sourceEnglishcollaborative, interactive, visualization, mind-maps, forum
Bitsy.orgvisualization application, mind-mappingopen sourceEnglishcollaborative, mind-mapsyes
Glitchcodingopen sourceEnglishcollaborative, customizable, easy sharing, forumyes
bookcreatorvisualization applicationfreemiumEnglishinteractive, collaborative, visualization, templates, library, sharing yes
ideabordzvisualization applicationregistration with personal dataEnglishcollaborative, sharing no
teachermadeconverter, educators patformfor a feeEnglishinteractive, quiz, poll, testing, no
logineoLMSfor a feeGermanorganization, communication, privateyes
biparcoursquizregistration with mail address and passwordGermanweb, android, iOS, interactive, templatesyes
learningviewdiary, calenderregistration with personal dataGermanorganization, calender, schedule, visualization, android, iOS, feedbackyes
nepo editorcodingopen sourceGerman, Englishvisualization, robots, simulation, sharingyes
TeamplaceCloud Storage, file hostingfreemiumGerman and Englishcollaborative exports results, organization, file sharing, annotation, communication, iOS, androidyes
Cortado MDMmobile device managementfor a feeGerman, EnglishiOS, android, organization, privateyes
ezeep cloud printingfor a feeGerman, Englishprivat, mobile, sharingyes
PopSpacevideo conferenceopen sourceEnglishcommunication, chat, game, collaborative, visualization, screen sharing, notes,
netboard.meGerman, English
yED live